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As they say, “A gift that keeps on giving”, for Enactus VIPS that gift is “Project Nidaagh”. Unlike any other project, it’s a recurring project which takes place every year rather than running throughout the year.
The project was decided upon when we wanted to transform the warmth of our heart into a warmth of difference, a difference made for the needy and to help them get through the chilling breeze of winters.
“Project Nidaagh” features a donation drive, where individuals from every nook and corner of our neighbourhood come forth and donate for a cause! The donations are then collected, allocated and distributed amongst under-privileged members of the society who can use an extra hand during these times.
It’s only fair to be able to spread across such warmth and joy every year and to make the motto “one man’s trash, another man’s treasure” come true. We wouldn’t say trash, but it is something that might be valued somewhere else more.
With that being said, in the year 2020, even with the pandemic, our team didn’t hold back and came out “Nidaagh 2.0” while taking care of precautions and measures needed to make this drive a smoother and better one than our previous one. We realised that be it Covid-19 or not, the winter are still going to be as harsh as ever, and we need to do our bit to overcome the trouble it brings for the people in need. Therefore, this year will mark the 2nd year of “Project Nidaagh” which still serves it’s purpose of making the world a better place.
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